Push (Paul McGuigan) (DVD)

7,36 €
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Sci-fi action thriller starring Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning. A group of people with telekinetic and clairvoyant powers are being hunted down by a secret government agency known as The Division, which conducts inhumane experiments on them in order to make use of their psychic abilities for their own less-than-honourable purposes. Nick Gant Evans, a second-generation telekinetic who has been in hiding

EAN: 5051429101743

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Sci-fi action thriller starring Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning. A group of people with telekinetic and clairvoyant powers are being hunted down by a secret government agency known as The Division, which conducts inhumane experiments on them in order to make use of their psychic abilities for their own less-than-honourable purposes. Nick Gant Evans, a second-generation telekinetic who has been in hiding in Hong Kong since The Division murdered his father more than a decade ago, is forced out of hiding when 13-year-old clairvoyant Cassie Holmes Dakota Fanning seeks his help in finding Kira Camilla Belle - a young woman with the most powerful psychic ability of all, the ability to 'push' thoughts into the minds of others - who may hold the key to ending The Division's evil programme.


Na našom webe ponúkame široký výber DVD titulov rôznych žánrov a tematík, aby sme uspokojili vkus každého filmového nadšenca. V našej podkategórii DVD nájdete obľúbené filmy, seriály, dokumentárne snímky a mnoho ďalších fascinujúcich videonahrávok. Sme presvedčení, že filmová zábava je nevyhnutnou súčasťou každého domova. Preto sa snažíme prinášať to najlepšie, čo momentálne filmový trh ponúka. Či už preferujete akčné, romantické, komediálne alebo napínavé snímky, jednoznačne si u nás prídete na svoje. Pravidelne aktualizujeme našu ponuku, aby sme vás informovali o najnovších tituloch dostupných na DVD. Spolupracujeme s vedúcimi filmovými distribútormi a vydavateľstvami, aby sme vám priniesli najnovšie blockbusterové hity ešte pred ich premiérou na internete. Popri tom nájdete u nás aj menej známe a niekoľkokrát ocenené filmy z nezávislej scény. Kvalita je pre nás kľúčovým faktorom, preto u nás nájdete výhradne originálne DVD nosiče. Vďaka tomu si vychutnáte skutočný zážitok z filmov a oceníte dokonalý obraz a zvuk. Naši zákazníci sú pre nás na prvom mieste a snažíme sa im prinášať iba to najlepšie. Prezeranie a objednávanie DVD je na našom webe jednoduché a bezproblémové. Stačí si len vybrať titul, ktorý vás zaujal, a pár kliknutiami ho pridať do svojho košíka. Ponúkame rýchle a spoľahlivé doručenie, aby ste si mohli svoj obľúbený film vychutnať čo najskôr. V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok nás neváhajte kontaktovať. Naša zákaznícka podpora je pripravená odpovedať na vaše otázky a pomôcť vám s výberom. Veríme, že prehľadným vyhľadávaním, kvalitnou ponukou DVD a profesionálnym prístupom si naša podkategória DVD získa vašu priazeň.

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Casino DVD Casino DVD

1995 / Kriminální / 171 minut / Francie, USA ROBERT DE NIRO, SHARON STONE a JOE PESCI se představují v hlavních rolích strhujícího filmu režiséra MARTINA SCORSESEHO o tom, jak slepé ambice, žhavá vášeň a čtyřiadvacetikarátová chamtivost zbořily impérium. Příběh natočený na motivy skutečných událostí je zasazený do Las Vegas roku 1973 a odehrává se v mafií ovládaném kasinu s mnohamilionovým obratem,

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Butch Cassidy a Sundance Kid DVD Butch Cassidy a Sundance Kid DVD

1969 / Životopisný, Western, Kriminální, Drama / 106 minut / USA Jeden z nejpopulárnějších filmových westernů, který byl kdy natočen! Tato oscarová(R) klasická dobrodružně romantická komedie vypráví pravdivý příběh nejsympatičtějších mužů Západu postavených mimo zákon. Když přijde na věc, není nikdo rychlejší než Butch Cassidy a jeho parťák Sudance Kid zachází s pistolí jako kouzelník. Když jednou

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Casino Royale (2006) DVD Casino Royale (2006) DVD

2006 / Akční, Dobrodružný / 133 minut / USA, Velká Británie CASINO ROYALE představuje JAMESE BONDA ještě předtím, než získal povolení zabíjet. Bond je ale i tak elitním agentem a dvě profesionální akce v rychlém sledu mu vynášejí statut \"00\". Hlava britské tajné služby \"M\" (Judi Dench) vysílá čerstvě povýšeného 007 na jeho první misi na Madagaskar, Bahamy a nakonec do Černé hory, aby zde čelil

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Deepwater Horizon: Moře v plamenech DVD Deepwater Horizon: Moře v plamenech DVD

(Deepwater Horizon) 2016 / Akční, Katastrofický, Drama, Thriller / 102 minut / USA Inspirováno pravdivým příběhem skutečných hrdinů 20. dubna 2010 došlo v Mexickém zálivu na plovoucí vrtné plošině Deepwater Horizon k jedné z největších člověkem způsobených katastrof na světě. Tento příběh popisuje odvážné muže a ženy, kteří svým hrdinstvím zachránili životy na palubě a navždy změnili osudy mnoha lidí.

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Barbie a Kouzelná dvířka DVD Barbie a Kouzelná dvířka DVD

2014 / Fantasy, Pohádka, Dobrodružný, Dětský, Animovaný / 81 minut / USA Barbie se představuje jako Alexa, nesmělá princezna, která ve svém království objevuje tajné dveře, za nimiž se nachází svérázná země plná kouzelných stvoření a překvapení. Tady Alexa potkává Romy a Nori, mořskou pannu a vílu, které jí povědí o jejich prohnané vládkyni jménem Malucia, jež chce ovládnout všechna kouzla z celé země.

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Třicet jedna ve stínu DVD (remasterovaná verze) Třicet jedna ve stínu DVD (remasterovaná verze)

1965 / Kriminální, Drama, Český / 79 minut / Česká republika, Velká Británie Dramatický příběh s účastí anglických herců. V roce 1965 natočil režisér Weiss koprodukci s Velkou Británií temné drama o rozkrádání socialistického majetku. V prodejně potravin v Praze se objeví náhlá revize, vedená neúplatným kontrolorem Kurkou (Rudolf Hrušínský) a zjišťuje obrovské manko. Vedoucí Vorel (James Booth) donutí

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Four Brothers (John Singleton) (DVD) Four Brothers (John Singleton) (DVD)

Mark Wahlberg stars in this revenge thriller. When their mother is murdered during a hold-up in a local grocery store, her four adopted sons decide to take the law into their own hands and find the man responsible for the crime. As they investigate, they discover that Jeremiah\'s Andre Benjamin dealings with a local criminal Chiwetel Ejiofor may have something to do with the case, and that the two

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Demoniac (Jess Franco) (DVD) Demoniac (Jess Franco) (DVD)

Jess Franco co-writes, directs and stars in this French horror. The film follows a mad priest who exorcises the demons from the cast and audience of a show using the tried and tested techniques of the Spanish Inquisition. Having seen the Black Mass-inspired erotic show, the priest is convinced that death is the only exorcism that will purify these people. The cast also features Lina Romay and Lynn

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Malory Towers: Series One (DVD) Malory Towers: Series One (DVD)

All 13 episodes from the first series of the children\'s TV show based on Enid Blyton\'s book series. Set in 1940s Cornwall, the show follows the adventures of 12-year-old Darrell Rivers Ella Bright as she begins her first term at Malory Towers all-girls\' boarding school. The episodes are \'The First Day\', \'The New Girls\', \'The Trick\', \'The Slap\', \'The Match\', \'The Midnight Feast\', \'The

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Keeper of Lost Causes (Mikkel Nrgaard) (DVD) Keeper of Lost Causes (Mikkel Nrgaard) (DVD)

Nordic noir thriller directed by Mikkel Nrgaard and starring Nikolaj Lie Kaas and Fares Fares. Reassigned to Department Q after an accident leaves his partner dead, Carl Kaas now spends his time trawling through old, unsolved cases. Accompanied by his new assistant Assad Fares, Carl begins to obsess over a high-profile case where a young female politician disappeared while travelling onboard a ferry.

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Quo Vadis, Baby (Gabriele Salvatores) (DVD) Quo Vadis, Baby (Gabriele Salvatores) (DVD)

Brooding psychological thriller directed by Gabriele Salvatores, director of the acclaimed 2003 thriller \'I\'m Not Scared\'. Giorgia played by singer-turned-actress Angela Baraldi is an disenchanted private investigator working at her father\'s detective agency in Bologna, who finds herself stuck in a rut both at work and in her personal life. When she receives a box of videotapes shedding light on

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Giant Little Ones (Keith Behrman) (DVD) Giant Little Ones (Keith Behrman) (DVD)

Canadian teen drama written and directed by Keith Behrman. Franky and Ballas Josh Wiggins and Darren Mann have been friends since childhood, but a drunken sexual encounter at Franky\'s 17th birthday party threatens to tear them apart. As rumours of the incident begin to swirl around their high school, Franky is targeted and bullied for being gay. His outcast status leads him to reconnect with Ballas\'s

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Queen & Slim (Melina Matsoukas) (DVD) Queen & Slim (Melina Matsoukas) (DVD)

American drama written by Lena Waithe and directed by Melina Matsoukas. A black man Daniel Kaluuya and woman Jodie Turner-Smith struggle to hit it off on their first date and as he drives her home, well aware that there won\'t be a second date, they are pulled over by a police officer for a minor traffic offence. Following the officer\'s aggressive handling of the situation the man shoots and kills

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Elena (Andrey Zvyagintsev) (DVD) Elena (Andrey Zvyagintsev) (DVD)

Andrei Zvyagintsev directs and co-writes this Russian suspense drama. Elena Nadezhda Markina is a former nurse now married to a rich husband, Vladimir Andrey Smirnov. The middle-aged couple\'s marriage comes under strain when Elena asks her husband to give financial support to Sergey Aleksey Rozin, her unemployed son from a previous marriage, and his family. Vladimir refuses to help Sergey and goes

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Doctor Who: The Daemons (Christopher Barry) (DVD) Doctor Who: The Daemons (Christopher Barry) (DVD)

Not seen since 1971, Jon Pertwee takes on the The Deamons, an evil force which lives on Devil\'s Hump, a sealed cavern which has not been open in over 200 years. Fully reconstructed and restored this is vintage Doctor Who in a five part series.

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Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor and Other Eleventh Doctor ... (Jamie Payne) (DVD) Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor and Other Eleventh Doctor ... (Jamie Payne) (DVD)

The 2013 Christmas special of the long-running sci-fi show featuring the final appearance of the Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith, who passes the reins over to the Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi. Jenna-Louise Coleman also stars as Clara Oswald, the Eleventh Doctor\'s companion who is wrenched from a family Christmas to help the Doctor decode an ominous message echoing in the stars. With enemies including the

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Live and Become (Radu Mihaileanu) (DVD) Live and Become (Radu Mihaileanu) (DVD)

Coming-of-age tale set in the civil war and famine of 1980s Ethiopia and in Tel Aviv, Israel. As thousands of displaced Africans crowd into Sudanese refugee camps, American and Israeli troops organise \'Operation Moses\' a mission aimed at relocating the wandering Falashas, Ehtiopian Jews who claim direct lineage back to KIng Solomon\'s days and to Israel. Forced by his Christian mother to declare

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Catwoman (Pitof) (DVD) Catwoman (Pitof) (DVD)

US action adventure starring Halle Berry as the eponymous DC Comics anti-heroine. Patience Phillips Berry is a talented but excruciatingly shy graphic artist who, in a mysterious twist of fate, acquires the stealth, power and incredible heightened senses of a cat. Sleek, agile and extremely dangerous, she begins a series of nocturnal crime sprees as she searches for the origin of her powers and the

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Show Goes On (Basil Dean) (DVD) Show Goes On (Basil Dean) (DVD)

Gracie Fields stars as Sally Scowcroft, a northern mill worker whose talent for singing is recognised by ailing composer Martin Fraser Owen Nares. Fraser approaches Scowcroft to appear in his latest show and it isn\'t long before her natural talents and unique comic ability propel her to fame.

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Bloodbath: Bloodbath Over Bloodstock (DVD) Bloodbath: Bloodbath Over Bloodstock (DVD)

Swedish death-metal band Bloodbath recorded live at the the UK\'s Bloodstock Festival in August 2010.

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