Angličtina - slovesa pro začátečníky

4,40 €
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Sloveso je nejdůležitější část každé věty. Tento kurz vám nabízí stručný přehled nejdůležitějších sloves pro začátečníky.Ke každému slovesu máte k dispozici i příkladovou větu, takže si konkrétní sloveso díky jeho použití v kontextu lépe zapamatujete.

Výrobca: Poslechová angličtina

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Sloveso je nejdůležitější část každé věty. Tento kurz vám nabízí stručný přehled nejdůležitějších sloves pro začátečníky.Ke každému slovesu máte k dispozici i příkladovou větu, takže si konkrétní sloveso díky jeho použití v kontextu lépe zapamatujete.

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Autor Autori Rôzni
Vydavateľ Poslechová angličtina
Dĺžka 3600
Jazyk čeština

Zeno\'s Conscience (EN) Zeno's Conscience (EN)

Known for inspiring James Joyce’s Leopold Bloom in Ulysses, Zeno Cosini is the bumbling yet charming alter ego of Italo Svevo, who here lays bare a hilarious litany of neuroticisms about his health, friendships, family and women. Having submitted himself to Freudian psychoanalysis, the narrator keeps a diary with the aim of conquering his addiction to smoking.

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The Spoils of Poynton (EN) The Spoils of Poynton (EN)

Published in 1897, The Spoils of Poynton is one of the quintessential works of James’s middle period. The ‘spoils’ of the book’s title refer to furniture and other objets d’art that the widow Adela Gereth moves to her cottage so that they are kept away from the clutches of her coarse future daughter-in-law, Mona Brigstock.

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B. J. Harrison Reads Ivanhoe (EN) B. J. Harrison Reads Ivanhoe (EN)

\"Ivanhoe\" is a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott, part of the Waverley series. The action takes place during the 12th century in England, and the themes revolve mainly around chivalric romances, tournaments, trials, and religious clashes.

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Fiabe ceche (IT) Fiabe ceche (IT)

Deset českých nejznámějších pohádek na motivy Karla Jaromíra Erbena a Boženy Němcové v italštině vypráví Ulrico Bovo. Nechybí vyprávění o Dlouhém, Širokém a Bystrozrakém, o Zlatovlásce, sedmeru krkavcích nebo princi Bajajovi.

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Storia di Casanova (IT) Storia di Casanova (IT)

S audioknihou v italštině máte možnost nahlédnout do několika epizod z dobrodružného života milovníka žen Giacoma Casanovy. Je známý především díky svým milostným avantýrám, ale ve skutečnosti se jednalo o velmi vzdělaného muže, zdatného spisovatele, volnomyšlenkáře, dobrodruha a cestovatele.

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Princess Diana (EN) Princess Diana (EN)

Lady Spencerovou, později princeznu z Walesu, znají všichni především jako princeznu Dianu, i když je vlastně tento titul nesprávný. Napsáno a natočeno toho o ní bylo spousta a nejspíš už se nikdy nedozvíme, jak se některé události v jejím krátkém životě skutečně odehrály.

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The New Testament 15-16 - Timothy (EN) The New Testament 15-16 - Timothy (EN)

The book of 1st Timothy is a Pastoral Epistle (letter from Paul to a church leader). The author is Paul who wrote it approximately 62 A.D. The key personalities are the Apostle Paul and Timothy. It was written to give encouragement and leadership guidelines to a young pastor named Timothy at the church in Ephesus.

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The Old Testament 22 - Song Of Solomon - with music (EN) The Old Testament 22 - Song Of Solomon - with music (EN)

The book of Song of Solomon is a large love poem filled with smaller poems of different kinds. Solomon is the author and he wrote it sometime during his reign 970-930 B.C. It is a story of a bridegroom who is in love with his bride.

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The New Testament 1 - Matthew (EN) The New Testament 1 - Matthew (EN)

The book of Matthew is a Gospel that contains Narrative History, Genealogy, Parables, Sermons, and some Prophetic Oracles. It was written by Matthew (Levi), the Disciple of Christ around 48-50 A.D. The key word in Matthew is \"Kingdom\" and is used 28 times.The personalities of this book include the Messiah Jesus Christ, His parents Mary and Joseph, the Twelve Disciples, the prophet John the Baptist,

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The Old Testament 29 - Joel (EN) The Old Testament 29 - Joel (EN)

The genre of Joel is Narrative and Prophetic Oracle. The prophet Joel wrote it around 841-835 B.C. sometime before the fall and exiles of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms.

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The Old Testament 21 - Ecclesiates (EN) The Old Testament 21 - Ecclesiates (EN)

The book of Ecclesiastes contains Proverbs, maxims, sayings, and is largely an autobiographical story. Solomon wrote it late in his life, approximately 935 B.C. He had become aware of the mistakes that he made throughout his life and began to document them.

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Jane Eyre (EN) Jane Eyre (EN)

Jane Eyre accepts a position as governess at Thornfield Hall and meets Mr. Rochester, the moody and cynical master of the manor. Growing up an unwanted orphan, Jane has known very little love in her life, but in spite of this, she has always been thoughtful and kind.

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History of Julius Caesar (EN) History of Julius Caesar (EN)

The book chronicles the extraordinary life and leadership of Rome\'s Emperor Julius Caesar, from his early years to his assassination. History of Julius Caesar is one of many biographies aimed at young people written by Jacob Abbott and his brother.

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Prelude (EN) Prelude (EN)

\"There was not an inch of room for Lottie and Kezia in the buggy. When Pat swung them on top of the luggage they wobbled; the grandmother‘s lap was full and Linda Burnell could not possibly have held a lump of a child on hers for any distance.\" The seemingly perfect Burnell family is moving from one house to another, and on the surface, everything appears idyllic.

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Erotic Encounters (EN) Erotic Encounters (EN)

Nine short, hot and sexy stories.

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Italština pro samouky Italština pro samouky

Audiokniha Italština pro samouky - obsahuje lekce v italském jazyce. Podkladem pro náš digitální titul byly původní kazety (SU 5015-4 812) z produkce Supraphonu v roce 1995, které doprovázely učebnici autorky Jarmily Janešové Italština pro samouky vydanou nakladatelstvím LEDA, ISBN 80-901664-7-4

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Le P?re Goriot (FR) Le P?re Goriot (FR)

Audiokniha má obtížnost četby B2 Apr?s avoir lu les secr?tes infortunes du p?re Goriot, vous dînerez avec appétit en mettant votre insensibilité sur le compte de l\'auteur, en le taxant d\'exagération, en l\'accusant de poésie. Ah! sachez-le: ce drame n\'est ni une fiction, ni un roman.

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The Good Soldier Švejk (EN) The Good Soldier Švejk (EN)

Too old, too fat, too drunk – Švejk really shouldn’t be in the army at all. And it doesn’t take long before his superiors wish he wasn’t ...

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Das Nibelungenlied (DE) Das Nibelungenlied (DE)

Audiokniha má obtížnost četby A2 Ein Heldenepos aus dem Mittelalter. Der starke und mutige Siegfried bezahlt mit dem Tod für seine Liebe zu Kriemhild, der Schwester der mächtigen Burgunder-Könige.

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